GRI Sustainability Reporting

GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is an independent international organization that guides businesses and organizations on sustainability issues such as climate change, human rights, and the fight against corruption. Sustainability reports, in which companies’ economic, social and environmental impacts are evaluated and their sustainability can be measured, are approved by GRI and published internationally.

Reporting Principles

GRI sustainability reporting aims to enable third parties to assess the environmental impacts from the company’s operations and supply chain. The “GRI Indicator Protocol Set” includes standardized reporting principles on the environment. Performance indicators (PIs) include energy, biodiversity, and emissions criteria. The purpose of GRI sustainability reporting is to present the sustainability performance of the company to third stakeholders with more comprehensive concepts. Sustainability performance is examined within the scope of limitations on economic, environmental, and social resources at the sectoral or global level.

Contribution of Sustainability Reporting to Companies:

    • Sustainability reporting provides both “internal” and “external” contributions to private companies, public and voluntary sector organizations:
    • Confirming their mission and values ​​they care about
    • Measuring economic, environmental, and social governance performances and improvements
    • Making the organization’s management sustainable and efficient. and developing strategies to effectively manage change
    • To systematically share information with stakeholders
    • To provide a platform for the transmission of sustainability performance and impacts
    • To respond to the expectations and demands of stakeholders and customers through transparent communication channel
    • More accounts strengthening trust and reputation by giving in this direction, enexion’s approach is to carry out a reliable sustainability reporting practice in efficient synergy with its stakeholders and customers in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) standards and to provide consultancy services to support the sustainability strategies of companies.



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