ESG belongs to the umbrella theme of sustainability and is the global competitive factor of the future .

It is about creating a company-wide, recurring process based on a well-founded ESG strategy , and about creating real and sustainable values in the end.

Through our strategic ESG guidance, we enable companies to  develop and implement a solid ESG strategy which includes priority projects, milestones, KPIs, and measurable targets. Using top-down and bottom-up approaches, we provide reliable insights in all key areas of  sustainable transformation, such as:

·        Competitive advantages

·        Risk reduction

·        Carbon neutrality

·        Social justice

·        Investment or purchasing opportunities

·        Supply chains


An ESG strategy with enexion offers your company a long-term solution for your own ESG management. We support you in understanding and living ESG with your company: You drive ESG, ESG is not driving you.

With our strategic ESG consulting, you receive a refreshing perspective on your company and your internal processes while discovering previously unexploited opportunities and resources.

In addition, we will make sure that you remain in control of the extensive and networked data, processes and correlations, and can interpret these streams of information in a meaningful way.

With this approach, your company can take confident steps into a sustainable future alongside its employees and stakeholders.