Understanding ESG and living it within the company is a major challenge for most companies. At Enexion, we support you in entering the topic of ESG as well as ESG reporting and ESG scoring. We help you to see ESG as an opportunity for your company’s future and to make the most of it.

The main goal of Enexion Academy is to help companies create long-term value.

In order to accelerate the sustainable and inclusive growth of our customers, we accelerate the transformation process of companies with global experience and knowledge from Corporate Sustainability, Carbon Footprint Management, Energy Management services.

we identify the development needs of companies and organize company-specific training content in this direction:

·        CBAM Know-How

·        CBAM Reporting

·        EcoVadis

·        LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) & EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

·        Global Sustainability Trends and Regulations

·        ESG Reporting Standards